Our Practice
Hendricks Surgical Associates is a team of Board-Certified general surgeons dedicated to delivering top-quality surgical care in both the inpatient ad outpatient settings. Our diverse group is committed to excellence in patient care across a wide range of surgical needs. We are focused on providing exceptional outcomes and collaborating with our medical collegues to ensure the highest standard of care. Inpatient and outpatient surgical procedures are performed at our Danville Hospital and the HibbeIn Surgery Center at our Avon Medical Center campus.
To be seen by one of our surgeons, a referral is required. Place a referral in Epic or send an in-basket or Diagnotes message to any of our surgons with questions. You may also call our clinic at (317) 745-3740 for more information and to speak with one of our team members. Patients will be seen at our outpatient office, as well as for ER and inpatient consultations. Our surgeons see both adult and pediatric patients aged 12 years and older without complex medical conditions.
At Hendricks Regional Health, we work hard to stay on the cutting edge of the latest advancments in surgery, and our physicians commit themselves to continuing education and specialized training. Click the link to learn more about our latest surgical advancements and services.
Our regular hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.