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Nutrition Support

Our registered dietitians can help you understand your eating habits, teach you to shop healthier and even give you meal ideas. Nutrition counseling is a benefit of many health insurance plans. Also, it is a covered service by Medicare for those managing diabetes. Nutrition services are available at our Danville campus and at the Hendricks Regional Health YMCA. Call (317) 745-3768 for assistance getting a referral.

    Our staff of nutrition experts and registered dietitians is a vital tool in helping to reach our patient and community education goals. They actively collaborate with other staff members, such as nurses, pharmacy personnel, physicians, therapists, social workers and others to ensure superior patient care. Services include patient meal service, nutrition education, nutritional assessment and a variety of nutrition programs.

    Nutrition staff members are involved with a variety of community-based nutrition education programs, including screenings that are offered on a regular and as-requested basis. They prepare meals for the Meals on Wheels program, the Hendricks County Senior Center and Hendricks County Division of Family Resources. All meals are donated or provided at minimal cost.