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MRSA Infection

What Are We Measuring?

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a strain of Staphylococcus aureus (Staph). Staph bacteria is common and can be found in the nose or on the skin of about one in three healthy adults. However, MRSA is resistant to many common antibiotics which makes is more difficult to treat. MRSA can cause serious bloodstream infections and is often spread through direct contact. We track this metric in our hospital settings to help us understand how well we prevent these types of infections.

How Are We Performing?

At Hendricks, we regularly measure and analyze our performance because it tells us what’s working well and where there are opportunities for improvement. Our ongoing results tracking provides evidence-based recommendations for our team to stay at the forefront of safe care. When viewing the chart below, it’s important to know that dates are based on the date the report was released to the public and actual outcome ranges vary.  The graph below reflects data publicly released in January 2024 for a selected period of time. Learn more by visiting The Leapfrog Group.


What Are We Doing to Improve?

  • Follow strict hand hygiene processes before caring for every patient
  • Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (example: proper gowns and gloves) 
  • Test patients in high-risk units (such as the intensive care) 
  • Consistently use a Seven-Step Cleaning Procedure in all hospital settings to clean and disinfect surfaces, remove trash and freshen linens
    • Disinfection products and processes are reviewed and approved by the Hendricks Infection Prevention and Control Committee
  • Our Seven-Step Cleaning Procedure is enhanced in higher traffic or higher risk areas of our hospital with these tools:
    • Clorox Total 360   Electrostatic Disinfectant sprayer is used in areas such as patient waiting rooms where individuals are more likely to gather
    • Continuous ATP swab testing is used throughout our facilities to monitor the effectiveness of our cleaning
      • ATP stands for Adenosine Triphosphate, a molecule found in all living cells
      • Levels of ATP on a surface is an indicator of whether the environment has been properly cleaned or if further disinfection is needed
    • UV light technology is used in operating rooms and other areas for added level of disinfection assurance 
    • Environment of Care rounds are conducted regularly by Hendricks Risk Manager, Infection Preventionist and Support Services team leaders to inspect hospital settings for cleanliness
      • Rounding also provides a way to identify opportunities for improvement in our cleaning processes

Learn More

We encourage patients and family members to use many of the different resources available to compare and choose a hospital or healthcare provider. Examples include Care Compare and  Leapfrog Ratings as well as talking with your doctor.