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PSI-90 Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite

What Are We Measuring?

This metric is called the Patient Safety and Adverse Events Composite, also known as PSI 90. It includes several different preventable hospital events that can lead to harmful outcomes for patients. For example, some of the events included are surgical complications and patient falls. Overall, this measure is meant to reflect the safety climate of a hospital. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) calculates this measure using Medicare claims data.

At Hendricks, we measure this for several important reasons. Our performance can provide insights into potential complications and errors resulting from a hospital admission, and help us identify potentially avoidable complications.

How Are We Performing?

At Hendricks, we regularly measure and analyze our performance because it tells us what’s working well and where there are opportunities for improvement. Our ongoing results tracking provides evidence-based recommendations for our team to stay at the forefront of safe care. When viewing the chart below, it’s important to know that dates are based on the date the report was released to the public and actual outcome ranges vary.  The graph below reflects data publicly released in January 2024 for a selected period of time. Learn more by visiting The Leapfrog Group.


What Are We Doing to Improve?

Since this measure is a composite of how we are doing in many different areas throughout the hospital, collaboration and streamlined communication is key to improving it. Our unified Electronic Medical Record system, Epic, brings all members of the care team together on one platform. This is just one way we make communication more effective and care more coordinated across Hendricks Regional Health. 

The prevention of falls and pressure ulcers are among other metrics included in this composite score. Click here to learn about our efforts to prevent falls. Click here to learn about our steps to prevent pressure ulcers.

Learn More

We encourage patients and family members to use many of the different resources available to compare and choose a hospital or healthcare provider. Examples include Care Compare and Leapfrog Ratings as well as talking with your doctor.