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Corporate Compliance

Our Leaders
Hendricks Regional Health’s commitment to preserving our reputation of high standards and integrity starts at the top. While all employees and individuals associated with Hendricks Regional Health are obligated to comply with this program, it is expected that the Board of Directors, CEO, Vice Presidents, Directors and Management will set the example; and in every respect serve as models. Our leaders must help create a culture within Hendricks Regional Health that promotes the highest standards of ethics and compliance. This culture must encourage everyone in the organization to address concerns when they arise. No one at Hendricks Regional Health must ever sacrifice ethical and compliant behavior in the pursuit of business objectives.

Our Physicians
Hendricks Regional Health’s policy is that patients (or their legal representatives) are free to select their health care providers and suppliers subject to the requirements of their health insurance plans. Hendricks Regional Health personnel need to respect the wishes of the patient when referring to other facilities and providers.

A federal law known as the “Stark Law” applies to any physician who has, or whose immediate family members have, a “financial relationship” with Hendricks Regional Health, and prohibits referrals by the physician to a Hendricks Regional Health entity for the provision of certain designated health services reimbursed by Medicare and Medicaid. If a financial relationship exists, referrals are prohibited unless a specific exception is met. In order to legally and ethically meet all standards regarding referrals, Hendricks Regional Health will not pay for referrals nor accept payment for referrals that we make. All patient referrals and admissions will be based solely on the patient’s clinical needs and Hendricks Regional Health’s ability to render services.

Hendricks Regional Health will take great care to assure all billings to government and private insurance payors reflect truth and accuracy, and conform to all pertinent federal state laws and regulations. Hendricks Regional Health expressly prohibits anyone acting on its behalf from knowingly presenting claims for payment or approval which are false, fictitious or fraudulent. Hendricks Regional Health is responsible for the integrity and accuracy of its documents and records, not only to comply with regulatory and legal requirements, but also to ensure that records are available to reflect its business practices and/or actions. No one may alter or falsify information on any record or document.

Each individual working on behalf of Hendricks Regional Health has the right to work in a harassment free environment. Hendricks Regional Health will not tolerate harassment by anyone based on the diverse characteristics or cultural backgrounds of those who work with the organization. Harassment of any kind is prohibited.

Vendors and Contractors
Hendricks Regional Health must manage its subcontractors and supplier relationships in a fair and reasonable manner consistent with all applicable laws and good business practices. Hendricks Regional Health should always promote competitive procurement to the maximum extent practical.

The selection of subcontractors and vendors will be made on the basis of objective criteria including quality, technical excellence, price, delivery, adherence to schedules, service and maintenance of adequate sources of supply. Purchasing decisions will be made on the supplier’s ability to meet our needs and not on personal relationships and friendships. Hendricks Regional Health will always employ the highest ethical standards and business practices in source selection, negotiation, determination of contract awards and the administration of all purchasing activities. Hendricks Regional Health’s policy is that no gifts or business courtesies of any kind shall be accepted from health care vendors. (Perishable or consumable gifts to a group or a department may be accepted only if in conjunction with an educational presentation.) An employee or department may never accept cash or cash equivalents such as gift certificates from a health care vendor.