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Your Healthy Pregnancy

Your Healthy Pregnancy

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by eating sensibly and staying physically active during your pregnancy will help you prepare. For additional help, we  offer a Labor classes, a FREE Lamaze class when you take a Labor class, Breastfeeding, Pumping and Infant Care & Postpartum classes. Most classes are available IN-Person as well as ON-Demand.



Pregnancy Resources

Preparing for Pregnancy


Even before you become pregnant, your health matters to your future baby. Two tips: Address any medical problems before becoming pregnant, then get regular prenatal care.

Your Changing Body

The hormones of pregnancy bring on a number of changes, from nausea to fatigue. Your growing, developing baby, too, has a profound effect.

Your First Trimester

You need to take care of yourself for a new reason. Your health can affect your baby's growth. Focus on your health for two reasons now, not one.

Your Second Trimester

This often is called the "golden trimester." You're starting to show. And you're starting to glow. Use this time to have fun with your partner, your friends, and your family.

Your Third Trimester

Visits with your health care provider will be biweekly, then weekly. Ask now about labor, childbirth, the warning signs of preterm labor, and when to call your provider.

Pregnancy Tests & Procedures

Several tests and procedures are available to help monitor you and your developing baby.

All About Pregnancy Events

Are you pregnant? Are you planning a pregnancy soon? The Childbirth Center at HRH has an All About Pregnancy Event 4 times a year for you! These events include an IN-Person tour, healthy snacks, a Q&A with the perinatal patient educator, information about resources at HRH and the community for expecting parents, a chance to visit with a Lactation consultant about getting a pump and a Car Seat Tech about what to look for in a car seat. You can also enter to win FREE giveaways, including diapers, wipes and prenatal classes. To find the dates and register for this FREE event visit

Download Free Printables

Eat healthy during your pregnancy with our custom nutrition scorecards.