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Understanding and Treating Pain


Hendricks Regional Health helps patients with persistent pain understand how pain works and gives them strategies to feel better and improve function. Although pain is a normal part of life, living in ongoing pain is not. Our goal is to give every patient we treat with persistent pain a working set of tools to help them feel better.

We offer a multidisciplinary approach to pain treatment that helps you live your life with less discomfort.

Our pain treatment  experts provide diagnosis and interventions for patients suffering from persistent pain.

Our philosophy of care respects the reality of each patient's pain and offers comprehensive healing for the body, mind and spirit. We use a combination of state-of-the-art medical and complementary healing techniques to treat persistent pain.

Why Hendricks?

We always strive to provide an unmatched level of care using the best of technology and personal care — one that balances convenience, safety, expertise and depth of resources. From our physicians to our nurses to our physical therapists, we collaborate to provide award-winning, extraordinarily safe care that gets you back doing the activities you enjoy.

Types of Pain We Treat

Nerve     .     muscle     .     joint     .     spinal     .     inflammatory     .     cancer


Pain Resources
Body Care arrow
Sleep is important! Sleep deprivation causes increased pain and decreased tissue healing. Every adult needs 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Use these tools to improve your sleep: Tips From Science for Better Sleep and our month-long Sleep Challenge
Do you hurt more after work? Check out this desk-fitting self help tool to help you work with less pain
Dehydration can cause pain! Try this month long Hydration Challenge
Mindfulness arrow
Did you know that having a consistent mindfulness practice can decrease pain? Meditation is one type of mindfulness, but there are others. Explore these methods for decreasing pain:

Everyday Mindfulness handout (using everyday activities as methods of mindfulness)

Mountain Strength Meditation (coming soon)

Appretiate Your Body meditation (even though it hurts--coming soon)

Coloring Books arrow
Did you know coloring books calm your nervous system? Try out these HRH created coloring books:

Herbal Coloring Book  (medicinal uses of herbs with the calm of coloring)

Hendricks Regional Health Coloring Book (coming soon)

card-icon      Classes and Web pages

Lifestyle Medicine: A wide variety of classes designed to keep you healthy in all the pillars of health (nutrition, exercise and movement, sleep, stress management, social connection and avoidance of risky substances). Click for current class information: Quarter 3.

You can also text the phrase #BeWell to  833-311-3459 to join the #BeWell text group, which will give you notifications on upcoming classes.

Taming Pain: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection class: A free 90-minute class to teach patients, associates and community members having persistent pain how pain works and give practical strategies to live more active, healthy lives. Our next class will be in Plainfield on August 15th-click here for the events sign up page.

Boost your self-care efforts with the suggestions and tools on our self-care web page HealthyMe, currently focused on returning the important activity of play to your life.

Check out all of the excellent resources at the American Chronic Pain Association website

Meet Our Team of Physical Therapists

The longer pain is present, the more likely it is to become persistent. If you or a loved one struggles with persistent pain, make an appointment to see one of our physical therapists who specialize in treating pain (see below). Because persistent pain involves a whole person, this specialized treatment also incorporates anxiety reduction and stress management, nervous systetm calming, movement reconditioning and wholistic self-care tools. Our specialists tailor each treatment to fit your exact needs and work with you closely until you feel that your quality of life has improved.

Contact Us for Pain Specific Treatment (click names for more information)

Other Members of Our Multidisciplinary Team
Palliative Care

Palliative care is specialized medical care for patients with a serious or chronic life-limiting illness. It focuses on giving patients relief from the symptoms and stress of their illness. Our palliative care team works with patients, their families and healthcare providers to support serious and chronic progressive illnesses and improve your quality of life.

Learn More
Orthopedics & Sports Medicine  arrow

At Hendricks Regional Health, we care for every joint in your body, uniquely addressing the needs of all ages - kids to seniors, athletes to working professionals. Our services include surgery, outpatient care, physical therapy and more. If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, do not ignore them: joint pain that lasts more than 48 hours, aching pain after activity that does not get better with rest, tenderness at a specific point, swelling, limited range of motion, weakness, numbness or tingling.

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Rheumatology  arrow

Arthritis and other rheumatic diseases are characterized by pain, swelling, and limited movement in joints and connective tissues in the body. If your physician suspects a rheumatic disease is causing your pain, he or she may refer you to a rheumatologist. These physicians diagnose and treat osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, gout, scleroderma, bursitis and other auto-immune disorders involving pain in the musculoskeletal system.

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